Available Programmes
These are some of my popular programmes, and since you are unique any therapy programme will be fully personalised for you.
Calm for Good is great for alleviating anxiety or stress. Fear Free for Good is a very effective phobia and fear busting programme that can be life changing. Sleep Well for Good can include hypnotherapy and other relaxing techniques for peaceful sleep every night. Stop Smoking for Good is designed to help you successfully stop smoking and re- programme your mind as a non-smoker.
Slim for Good can include motivational coaching and hypnotherapy. It aims to change your relationship with food and/or activity, for good. Slim for Good: Time of Your Life is specially designed for women aged 40 to 65 and addresses the effects of hormonal and life changes and creates a personalised, healthy weight loss package for you. Virtual Gastric Band programme offers a safe, affordable alternative to gastric band surgery. It can help you gain control over your eating and feel satisfied with smaller amounts. However it doesn’t suit everyone and other equally effective options are available.
Individually tailored programmes for other problems hypnotherapy and other mind techniques can be very effective in resolving a wide range of issue including irritable bowel symptoms, menopausal symptoms habit change and much more.